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What Is Ambiguous Loss? Understanding the Impact

June 17, 2022

Ambiguous loss is related to both absence and presence. In some cases, the body is present, but as is common with dementia, psychologically and emotionally, a person seems absent or changed. In other cases, the body is absent (as in missing), but mentally, the person is still very much present to the loved one. It is common that others may not recognize the loss you are experiencing or acknowledge that grieving is ongoing for you ...

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Meet Sierra Sam: The Original Crash Test Dummy

June 16, 2022

The original article was published at https://affiliates.legalexaminer.com/transportation/sierra-sam/. So... what exactly is a crash dummy? A crash test dummy is an anthropomorphic testing device (ATD). This is a fancy way to say that a crash dummy is a mannequin that closely imitates the size, shape, mass, stiffness and energy absorption of an actual human being. He (or she) is then placed in the awkward position of testing vehicles for crash resilience ...

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4 Ways Your Loved One Can Enjoy a More Holistic Approach to Senior Living

June 15, 2022

Today, more people of all ages are recognizing how mind, body, and spirit are connected. This holistic approach to living carries with it many benefits for young and old alike. Encouraging your older loved one to embrace a more holistic approach to senior living is a beautiful way to not only demonstrate how much you care about someone but also to help them improve their quality of life. Holistic living is all about honoring the ...

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What Are Some Benefits of Holistic Living for You and Your Senior Loved Ones?

June 4, 2022

More and more research is showing the connection between the mind, body, and spirit — an interdependency that is at the heart of holistic living. To live holistically means you are taking responsibility for the wellness of your whole being through conscious choices about how you spend your time, with whom you do so, what you eat, how you treat illnesses, what you prioritize, and more. The benefits of holistic living are thought to be numerous ...

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New Skills for Seniors to Learn Is a Great Way to Stay Mentally Sharp and More Engaged

May 13, 2022

We can all benefit from learning something new every day — especially if you are an older adult. Life presents learning opportunities all the time, and our brains are wired to take advantage of them. That ability doesn’t stop as we age. In fact, new skills for seniors to learn, like hobbies and crafts, languages, and games, are proving to be important not just to maintaining mental and physical health but to improving cognitive abilities ...

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Self Care for the Caregiver

May 6, 2022

Six Strategies to Help You Cope With the Demands of Caregiving Caregiving can be complicated. It may mean assisting with daily activities such as bathing, grooming, eating, mobility, and dressing. It could include accompaniment to medical appointments. It can mean that you are coordinating care and services or offering emotional support. During this time, caring for yourself is essential. Ironically, self-care is often overlooked or at the very least, can fall to the bottom of ...

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What Is Hospice Care, and How Can It Help You and Your Senior Loved One?

May 6, 2022

There comes a point in everyone’s life when their time on earth draws to a close. People, like all living things, die. The difference with us, however, is that we have ways to make that transition easier for those who are on the verge of it and for their loved ones. One of the most important ways we do that is through hospice care. Hospice care is a very specific kind of caregiving, part ...

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The Types of Assisted Living Are Varied. Which Arrangement Is Best for Your Senior?

May 6, 2022

Home sweet home: It’s not just an expression. It’s a declaration for many of us who see our homes as the safest, most welcoming place to be, surrounded by what we love most. But for many senior citizens, aging in place and enjoying the comforts of familiar surroundings is either something they no longer want to do or can do safely, so what are the options? Well, when it comes to assisted living ...

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An Accident-Proof House for Seniors Is Possible with These Steps

April 29, 2022

Every year, millions of elderly Americans suffer accidents in their homes that could have been avoided. An accident-proof house for seniors is not impossible to achieve and doesn’t typically require much except some planning, a modest investment, and maybe a bit of elbow grease. Bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens all present potential hazards to seniors, especially if they’re living alone. Below are a few easy ways you can senior proof a home to keep ...

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Exercise for Seniors: Good for the Body and Great for the Psyche!

March 3, 2022

Most of us know that regular movement and exercise is good for us, no matter what our age. But more and more research is showing that staying physically active as a senior is especially important. Regular exercise for seniors does more than just keep or build muscle; it can improve flexibility, balance, mood and more; even seniors who moderately exercise on a regular basis can see these improvements. So, if there’s a senior in ...

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